Saturday, November 14, 2009

And the races begin!

So as most of you know, yesterday was our first ultrasound of many many many to come. They set this up to make sure Lorelei is developing well and does not suddenly fall into any complications. The tech looked through everything and kept us upbeat throughout the entire thing. She looked great! She's in the birthing position, and at times I feel like she trying to dig her way out! Her heart, from this ultrasound, looks great (said by the doctor). We aren't out of the woods, nor are we close... but I like to think of that ultrasound as an indicator of good things to come.

So I sit/lay/sleep/watch TV/do this/ surf the web/read/and AHHHHHHHHHH. All day, everyday! I am on strict bed rest, but I'm not entirely sure if it will last the entire pregnancy. I bet towards the end I may have a little more freedom, but then again I've never been through this and that's just wishful thinking!

So far Jessica (Jared's sister) came by and spent the day with me yesterday. We watched tv, the Terminal, and ate pizza. She was able to join Jared grocery shopping so that was nice@! We also ate a pomegranate last night... now when you have to go on youtube to find out how to eat something... that's crazy! I think the seeds are addictive, but it does lack quite a bit of flavor (but healthy stuff isn't tasty, right?) And I will be getting a visit from Great Grandma Nancy :) (don't hurt me!) on Wed. I'm really excited to see ya!!!!

Now, as things have calmed down we will most likely go back to positing random blogs that aren't as detailed. We really appreciate everyone's prayers, thoughts and warm wishes. I've received flowers, candies, and cards and cannot begin to thank you appropriately for all the gifts sent our way, but I'll try!

So just keep reading and we'll keep posting!

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