Friday, October 23, 2009

the once and future parent

First off, an apology that this is my first post. I would love to say I had great reasons for thus far avoiding sharing my imminent paternal wisdom (I assume it will come to me sometime between the birth and teaching them to drive). But the sad truth is that I simply find it difficult to live outside the immediate present. I plan for the future, prepare and pretend to the extent necessary for said planning; but I don't like to live there. This whole experience of pregnancy for the man is an extended exercise in living in some future of diapers, minivans, and never having both babies simultaneously asleep. While I'd be a fool not to expect those things I'd be lying if I said I devoted any real thought to them.

Take, for example, registering for stuff online. I view this task as extremely tedious. Lorel loves it like no other. I feel like we're going to get a bunch of stuff the babies will likely hate. We'll end up exchanging it at Babies R Us for other stuff they will also hate. After the 5th or 6th round we will wind up with stuff they will love for two weeks before they've outgrown it and the cycle begins anew. It's difficult for me to devote any real attention to planning this task, because its all going to wash out in trial and error anyways. Lorel shares my assessment of the likely scenario but her love of shopping for all things baby means she actually embraces the downward spiral of doom. Same page, different playbook.

We had our last trip to the doctor before we hit another stretch of worry. For those of you who've never had twins, identical twins can suffer from a condition called Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome or TTFS. One baby receives the majority of placental blood flow leaving the other starved for nutrients and oxygen and the first overloaded with fluid and at risk for heart issues. The condition is treatable and happens in 10-20% of all identical twin pregnancies. But it needs to be closely monitored from 16 weeks on. On a brighter note that means we should also be finding out the gender next week. Lorel thinks sons, I'm thinking daughters. We shall see.

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