Saturday, February 13, 2010

Out pops a baby!

So as many, if not all of you know, we had our baby girls yesterday 2/12/10 @ 4:20pm. Lorelei MacKenzie is 3lbs 11oz; 15.74 in long. Maddison weighs in at .09lbs and .7in.

Here is the overview of the day yesterday!
*I woke up at 1:15 am to take my medication and felt some cramping (thought it was gas). As I focused on it I realized it was systematically at 5-7 minute intervals.
*At 3:45 am Jared woke up and asked if I was okay because I was breathing heavy. I told him I might be contracting, he felt and said "yes, how long?" I told him "You should have called the dr earlier!" hehe
*About 4:00am the Dr. told me to head in to triage. On our way my water broke fully.
*The nurses and Dr.'s checked me out and I was obviously in labor, but at 1cm. They gave me medication to stop/spread out the contractions and lessen the pain. They also gave me a steroid shot to help improve the lung function of Lorelei.
*Around 6:30 am contractions were back to full swing about ever minute and a half.
*I was sent to labor and delivery.
*Chose the epidural at 12:30pm.
*Ultrasound to check Lorelei's approximate size. She was measuring 3lbs 6oz +/-
*I felt some pressure around 2:30, still at 1cm and Lorelei was at -1 (still not sure what that meant)
*At about 3:45 Grandma Connie left the room so I could use the rest room, she went out for a bit and picked up starbucks...
*Jared decided to head out while I was finishing up so he could shower at home.
*After I finished I felt something completely "weird" and the Dr. checked and said, "we're going to the OR, NOW; baby is in the birth canal!"
*I called Jared and told him to come back. Thank God he was in the parking lot as his mom gave him starbucks!
*Within 10 minutes we made it to the OR because it was closer to the OR. Contractions and pushing was almost impossible to control! My Dr. was 10 minutes away.
*About 3 minutes after we made it into the room the hospital Dr checked to see if we could still wait for the DR. but Lorelei had different plans. Within a minute and a half I gave about 3 pushes and she was out.
*Lorelei made a gasp for air and let out her little yelp! Her cry was so relieving to hear!
*Lorelei weighed in at 3lbs 11oz.
Jared was able to see her after she was cleaned up. A pretty full head of dark hair and dark eyes. We haven't seen her eyes open enough to gauge what color they really are.

We did not get to see her again until 8pm. We really want to get to this morning as to get more steroids into Lorelei's system, but she obviously had different plans! Lorelei is a decent size for her age and she is active. They had to give her some sedatives so she would stop trying to pull out her breathing tube. She is progressing off of it decently and we will update as she continues to progress! Here are some pictures for your enjoyment!

Proud Aunt Jessica!

Proud Daddy! (he's sneezing from allergies, so he's taking precautions)

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