So this was our first visit to Great Grandma's and we were greeted by cousins Audrey and Hannah, Uncle Dan and Aunt Dee, Uncle Jerry, and of course, Great Grandma! She was held, loved, passed, enjoyed, fed, changed, slept, and cried. Pretty typical weekend, just with more people. Aunt Jessica, Grandpa Jeff, Grandma Ronda, and Uncle Luke came on Saturday. I was so happy everyone got to see her and spend positive time with her.
We've been working on our tummy time. She has been scooting with assistance. We put her on her tummy and tuck her legs in and her hands on the floor under her shoulders. We will put our hand against one foot and she will push off and how she moves is with the other foot pushing off the ground. She's slowly understanding that she needs to move her arms back to the start after each move. It's awesome to watch! I hope to get a video up here soon... but no promises. She also can roll over when I put her on her side (you're probably saying, duh! But she's almost on her tummy and she kicks off to roll over... she doesn't know she's doing it though)
Today we went to Bruners for the first time! (Lorelei's first trip). It's a family restaurant in Muncie that we all LOVE!!! Also today we went to visit Great Grandpa Ralph's grave site. We took video of Great Grandma holding Lorelei while we visited the site. On Tuesday it will be two years since Grandpa Ralph left this world... he was definitely a great man who will never be forgotten. Two years ago this month we lost my Uncle Terry who will never be forgotten... he was my Godfather... my heart goes out to my cousin and Aunt who are so terribly strong for living day by day. On a positive note, my cousin Corey was married to Sandy on the 19th (tomorrow). And birthday's... soooo many! But tomorrow is Jacque's and Josh's birthdays and Lorelei's due date!!! So as of right now Lorelei is -1 day old!!!
Well here are some pictures for you to enjoy!
Grandpa Jeff consoling Lorelei

Grandma Ronda taking over when she's calm

When Grandma got me I screamed bloody murder and mommy captured this face!

I love tummy time with Aunt Jess

Cousin Audrey is comfy!