Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy 3 month old day!

So being a mommy is awesome, tiring, exciting, stressful, annoying, cheerful, lovely, frustrating... and so many more! Lorelei is now 8lbs 7oz (5/10). She is at the bottom of the slope for length and still quite under the curve for weight. But she's doing amazingly! She has begun to be colicky... Now for preemies, this is normal. Most babies start a few weeks after birth and it's gone by 3 months. Lorelei is 3 months old today! Her adjusted age is 24 days old... so relating what she's doing now... she's advanced in certain areas, but on track for her actual age. She has acid reflux so we're going to start her on prilosec and hope that helps. On 4/25 she smiled... 4/30 she really really smiled and on 5/1 she laughed. Since then she's been cooing and making razzle noises when she talks to her stuffed animal friends. She is starting to hold her head even with her body when pulled up by her arms. She is beginning to push herself up on her arms, and her head control is improving every day. She has always had great strength, by holding her head up for more then 5 seconds hasn't really worked until about 2 weeks ago. Her leg strength is the same and she has a mean grasp of the hair... my hair that is! Lorelei is doing so well... we are so thankful everyday for her progress and that she is here with us. She is our miracle baby and we thank God everyday for her. We want to make sure she knows she has a sister and we need to pray on how to raise her with the knowledge. It's difficult when saying that your sister didn't make it... I can only imagine those children feeling like it's their fault, hating God, being depressed... so many things!

I need need need to get pictures up. She is changing so much everyday! I have heard that she is looking like me, I have heard that she is doing things like Jared, etc. Lorelei and I will be out in NJ from June 26-July 9. We will be having a BBQ on the 27th so that should be fun! I would love to see everyone who is keeping up with us!

I will get some sleep now. But I promise to get pictures up as soon as I make time! Also, her announcement cards will be going out as soon as I finish addressing them! I have about 10 minutes each day to complete that... yea like that's enough time!

Hugs and drool!

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