Sunday, April 11, 2010


So Lorelei has begun being fussy... I think it's because my parents left :-P We're enjoying everything and even how our limits are being tested! Thanks everyone for your support and tips on how to eliminate her fussiness or just cope!

So she is 2 months old tomorrow~ She was 8 weeks old on Friday. Time flies! She now weighs (as of Friday) 6lbs 10.5oz. She is supposed to gain .5-1oz/day She ultimately will weigh 7lbs by her due date, which is an average weight for a term baby. Now Connie is watching her throughout the week while we work.

Life is ultimately good!


  1. She just wants to remind you how much you love her every SINGLE minute of the day and night :) We're HUGE swaddlers in this house. And shushing and white noise, and swinging back and forth. In fact, our favorite book is Happiest Baby on the Block. Wish I had had it with my first, got it with my second and it saved my life. Still used it for Crew. It's a neighborhood phenomenon around here ;) Basically, I do all 5 "s's" (as seen in the link below) at THE SAME TIME and it supposedly activates the relaxation within babies. Worth a try! It worked perfectly for Tanner and very well for Crew, though not perfectly all the time for him.

    PS, the "shushing" I do with my voice in a really loud shhhhhhhhhhhh as the book suggests.

    Good luck on finding her happy buttons, whatever they may be!

  2. Oh, and I swing the baby in my arms side to side while I'm shushing the swaddled little imp. Bigger, wider, and firmer than you might expect. So many babies just seem to love it.
